We are so glad Spring has Sprung (a bit) here! I'm not sure Little Tikes pictured this use for their playhouse. They love climbing in the tree behind the playhouse and pretending to watch TV there. Not sure why. They also love sliding down.

My girl loves critters. She loves looking for little things that the rest of us pass by without noticing. I love that about her. She's not scared of the goo. This day we found several of these little dead crabs washed ashore at the Yacht Club. She also found a jellyfish or two. KK was happy running between the beach and the playground. We brought home some shells, driftwood, dead crabs and a few rocks. Love experiencing spring with her.

Baseball season! Several at the house are very happy about this. Some of us, not so much. I love seeing Cooper working to get better at this. I don't love the pressure of pitching. I showed him this picture, very impressed with his form, and he told me that his right leg needed to be out wider and a couple of other things that he was doing wrong. Interesting. Maybe he does pay attention to a few details. He has really been pitching well. Yesterday, in Marianna, he was 2 for 2 with a double and a single, 3 RBIs and was put in to pitch the 4th inning with bases loaded and only 1 out. Coach told him to "shut them up!" He did. Next inning all 3 outs were runners picked off at first base. Guess they're not used to a left handed pitcher.

Here he said his right foot was supposed to be pointed at the ground. Once again, I was impressed with how high his knee was. Maybe I need to get him into yoga!
Peace and red clay stained clothes!
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