Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yes - I have a 'tween. Today I brought her and two friends chicken fingers + fries from Jimmy's for lunch. Yes, I brought her a lunch from a restaurant and walked it in to school. Hunted her down to give it to her and sat a visited while they ate. No one offered me a bite - so I took a french fry and was then told that I "opened my mouth too big when I ate." Are you kidding me? No need to worry about that tomorrow, sweet girl, peanut butter sandwich for you!

Reagan was telling someone about Ratticus and simply stated that "I just love all of God's creatures." As in - "why don't you, heathen? I'll say a few hail marys for ya!

Peace and love for daughters!

Friday, April 23, 2010

If you need a chuckle - listen to the first 20 seconds. After that, it's me prompting R to tell the Ratticus story. A bit racy since they were in the tub!
BTW - loving the lime real fruit popsicles!

Peace and a good laugh!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Are you kidding me?

What in the world?
What made her pick this up? Doesn't she know you run away screaming from this?
Why would she pick it up?
Why would she bring this to me - in the house? in my bedroom?
Why would KK follow suit?
Like Resa said, "you are remarkable. Why do you do things like that?"

Peace and a rodent-free day!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Reagan is feeling a bit under the weather and having a "surprise snack" on my bed watching "Life". This one's all about the challenges of survival. We are watching a huge chameleon tossing his tongue and sucking up a preying mantis. Without hesitation she says, "God made them to do that. We don't have to be sad."

Earlier today when she went to take a sip of coke, she started whining that it stung her throat. She was very upset and teared up a bit. She remarked that, "It feels like I have bad bugs in my throat that are trying to make me feel bad." I told her that was true, that the bugs were called "germs". She replied that, "I also have big things in me that try to eat the bad bugs so that I won't be sick."

She listens and remembers everything - it seems.

Peace and patience for smart children.
Look who's SIXTEEN!!
We celebrated with hamburgers and grilled tuna. (Cooper's choice) He didn't want a cake or cookie, just vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. We had candles that had different colored flames to match the candle and that was it! What happened to the days of getting a big box to make a bat cave?

Thanks Pa for building our boxes! Looks like Izzy is doing all she can to help out. Where's that ball anyway?

Peace and full sun!
Here are some shots so sum up the past few weeks!

Friday night of Spring Break we went out to Inlet Beach to a house rented by a few HNES families. We had a blast! KK had Ansley, R had Mia + Katherine (to name a few) and Morgan was wonderful playing with the younger kids and helping daddy build his hole that no one was allowed to play in until he "finished". It was nice to spend time with the whole family (except Cooper who opted to "chillax" at home) and other families.

Easter Sunday. Why didn't anyone tell us Cooper needed to stand up, or something.

Peace and better family pictures!

Dying Easter eggs!
This calf was born last night. Where's mom?
We have beautiful spring color at the front door thanks to these gardening hands!
All the girls (Kennedy, Linley, Reagan and Vivian) are loving Reese's bay boat at the lake!
I KNOW! It's been forever. Spring Break I was at the lake and "unplugged" from internet. This was very nice, but impossible to update. I'll share some highlights:
- William tried to knock his face off while disconnecting the trailer
- Cooper is 16 and can get driver's license May 7 (Yikes!)
- Pa (at the River) came for a visit where we wore him out with our schedule
- Hunny passed away
- Went in 3 directions for Spring Break - Ocala (baseball), Atlanta and the lake.
- Celebrated Easter, played baseball and soccer, went to the beach and the ranch
- built raised flower beds (thanks, Pa)