Monday, February 15, 2010

On Saturday, when I was home with my puke-fest, William took R + C to the varsity baseball game at Bozeman. It was a cold and windy day so C took R to the car to stay warm. A bit later, Coach came to W and asked for C to "suit up". What? He didn't even have the right shoes. He borrowed everything from another player. Coach went to another team to find a left-handed glove. The only problem was that C's hands and feet are much larger than the guys he borrowed from. He said it was like wearing one of the girl's gloves.
He came in to pitch the 5th inning after the pitcher before him had hit two players, both on base and no outs. He struck out the first guy. Didn't give up any hits and was credited with being the winning pitcher. He even made the paper.
I'd show you a picture, but unfortunately no one took any of my boy. That's why mom's are supposed to be at games.

Go Bay!
Peace out!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Pop and Daju brought goodies for the kids last night. Red velvet cupcakes with cute chocolate hearts.
Waking at 6:15 Saturday morning to the screaming-wretching sounds of K is NOT my idea of a good weekend. Bless her heart. She had fever and puked for about 3 hours. Afterwards she was just wrung out. No better way to get a Saturday all to myself. Oh yeah not really perfect - the puking 3 year old.
She continued to have fever off and on until 3 am this morning (Monday). So far she has a runny nose and a very short fuse. (very, very short) She is so glad that R is here to play. Unless R doesn't do it exactly right. "Right" seems to be changing by the minute.
She got to pick breakfast and chose cini-melt from McDonald's.
Look at my beautiful girl! Rachelle straightened it and put two really small braids across the front and used a barrette to secure them under some loose hair. Very cute! The top is a hand-me-down from Mallory. She said she wore it to a Valentine's dance when she was at HNES. I enjoyed watching the girls get ready at Ella Catherine's. They are all so close, it was nice for them to include my 6th grader! L'il had her hair cut this afternoon and I love the wedge. She does short hair very well. Her grandmother took her to get ready - good for them both.
What beautiful girls!!

Peace + a puke free Monday!

Friday, February 12, 2010

We went to Miami for the Superbowl. Most of the really interesting stories come from our time spent outside this stadium. I spent Sunday afternoon in the spa and watched the game from the comfort of the hotel. I met some very nice people and lost my everyday, mama earrings - I'm still sick about it.
We've had a very wet winter so far. Looks like these two don't mind a bit.
We love Ansley!
We love Mrs. Sullivan!
And the Mr. Opposite song
and valentine's parties
just about everything about 4K is perfect!

Getting ready for our mission at Space Camp. You're looking at the Space Station scientist and Pilot of Endeavor. M was so nervous about making mistakes pushing buttons and saying her lines. She did great! The biggest problem was that these suits are washed weekly - on Friday. Our mission was Thursday afternoon. Yuck!
This was our group for the space quiz bowl. Our team won! Thank goodness we knew which Apollo mission rocket was struck by lightening not just once, but twice. Do you?
New duds from mom + M after our trip. These girls love getting "surprises" and love it even more when they're clothes.

This evening we had Raphael (I'm sure that's spelling incorrectly) from Cuba join us. He is in the US for about 6 weeks and came to Panama City for a few days. He knows about us from the members at his church who met Wm on his recent visit. We really looked forward to this visit to talk about Cuba and just visit - however, he speaks NO English. Not a word. We speak few words. C has just finished his second semester of Spanish but he is by no means fluent. He would be staying with us Tuesday and Wednesday nights and during those days visit C's Spanish 3 class and church. Luckily, Carmen has Latin American roots and lived in Brooklyn for many years. She was pretty sure she could translate 90% of what he was saying. She explained that Cuba has a very distinct dialect that she was not familiar with. After W + C + M had spent about 3 hours alone with him, they didn't care how little she knew - it would be more than the slow talking, hand gesturing communication they were attempting. After Carmen had been at the house for about 3 minutes, Raphael said it was like he had been on "pause" for the afternoon.
We invited a few others for dinner and had a wonderful time visiting. We asked him tons of questions and he was able to ask us a few. M + I were leaving the next day for Space Camp and leaving them with it. Luckily, Carmen's sister was available to translate for them.

Our first 4-D movie. We loved the music and movie, but did NOT like the water that squirted on us when Donald sneezed. I mean, who would? The girls wore the glasses most of the time and tried grabbing the objects as the appeared to float towards us. We were able to ride all the majors on the first day so we hit a few of our favorites on day 2 (Saturday), but the crowds were ridiculous so we did a lot of no line things. Like this movie, the street and castle shows, It's a Small World and the 100 Acre Wood playground.
The "cabin" at Fort Wilderness was perfect for our crew. I was so pleased by how much M enjoyed her sisters and being with us. She and I got to ride all of the "mountains" and we had a good mix of big sister and little sister fun.
(Peace in Finnish - loving "It's a Small World")
We finished up January by going to Disney World. This was the first trip for the little girls and they had a blast. We left C back at home so that he could sleep late and chill. We missed our big brother and I'm sure he missed us too! (wink, wink) We had a good seat for the afternoon parade just outside the candy shop.
After a train ride to Toon Town, we toured Mickey's house and got in line to take this picture. Kk was completely on board and R was NOT. After a bit of cajoling from daddy, she decided she's wait in line with us. After a few tentative moments, she warmed up and posed. This was the beginning of our first day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Where has the time gone?
Oh yeah, internet problems at home, Disney, Space Camp, Super Bowl in Miami, good book "In the Woods" (2 nights of disturbing dreams, so far)
Yikes! Have hauled this computer from here to there and never willing to spend the $9.95 for hotel internet. Why don't they just provide it? I'm paying enough to stay and it's nothing more for them. Capitalism - ugh!
T is snowed in in Pennsylvania because L wanted to go sledding. "what's the use in all of this snow if you can't even play in it?" From a boy who has spent most of his waking days playing in it. Fun tubing and then sliding backwards down the hill into the ditch trying to get home. Dumb Florida/South Carolina driver.
Have more to say, but good book (see above).