Happy Valentine's Day!
Pop and Daju brought goodies for the kids last night. Red velvet cupcakes with cute chocolate hearts.

Waking at 6:15 Saturday morning to the screaming-wretching sounds of K is NOT my idea of a good weekend. Bless her heart. She had fever and puked for about 3 hours. Afterwards she was just wrung out. No better way to get a Saturday all to myself. Oh yeah not really perfect - the puking 3 year old.
She continued to have fever off and on until 3 am this morning (Monday). So far she has a runny nose and a very short fuse. (very, very short) She is so glad that R is here to play. Unless R doesn't do it exactly right. "Right" seems to be changing by the minute.
She got to pick breakfast and chose cini-melt from McDonald's.

Look at my beautiful girl! Rachelle straightened it and put two really small braids across the front and used a barrette to secure them under some loose hair. Very cute! The top is a hand-me-down from Mallory. She said she wore it to a Valentine's dance when she was at HNES. I enjoyed watching the girls get ready at Ella Catherine's. They are all so close, it was nice for them to include my 6th grader! L'il had her hair cut this afternoon and I love the wedge. She does short hair very well. Her grandmother took her to get ready - good for them both.

What beautiful girls!!
Peace + a puke free Monday!